Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Chromium-Binding Low-Molecular-Weight Serum Fractions


  • Anna Safitri University of Brawijaya
  • Aviva Levina School of Chemistry, the University of Sydney
  • Peter A Lay School of Chemistry, the University of Sydney



acetonitrile, Cr(III), low-molecular-weight, mass spectrometry, speciation


The current work is focused on the characterization of the chromium(III)-containing low-molecular-weight (LMW) fractions of blood serum by mass spectrometry. The LMW fractions of serum binding-Cr(III) were collected by organic solvent precipitation using acetonitrile. The chromium(III) compounds used were [Cr(pic)3], where pic = 2-pyridinecarboxylato(-) or A, and the Cr(III) propionate complex, [Cr3O(OCOEt)6(OH2)3])+ or B. The new signals appeared in the mass spectra in the presence of added Cr(III) compounds, either A or B. This indicated that common LMW Cr containing serum fractions were formed on addition of Cr(III) to serum. The new signals contained three distinct peaks with a shift of 16, corresponding to ions of m/z +1083, +1099, and +1115 Da, which consisted of 4 Cr atoms with bridging ligands.


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Author Biography

  • Peter A Lay, School of Chemistry, the University of Sydney
    Director, Vibrational Spectroscopy Core Facility Research Portfolio Flagship Program Co-Leader, New Insights into disease and drug targets: from endogenous biological nanoscale vesicles to engineered nanoparticles Australian Institute of Nanoscale Science and Technology


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How to Cite

Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Chromium-Binding Low-Molecular-Weight Serum Fractions. (2017). The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research, 6(2), 100-111.