Construction and Characterization of Coated Wire Oxalate Ion Selective Electrode Based on Chitosan


  • Zuri Rismiarti Brawijaya University
  • Atikah Atikah Brawijaya University
  • Hermin Sulistyarti Brawijaya University



PVC (polyvinyl chloride) membrane based coated wire oxalate ion selective electrode has been developed by using chitosan. The results showed the optimum composition of the membrane was chitosan: aliquat 336: PVC: DBP = 4:1:33:62 (% weight). The electrode showed Nernstian response, Nernst factor 29.90 mV/decade of concentration, linier concentration range of 1x10-5 - 1x10-1 M, detection limit of 2.56 x10-6 M, response time of 30 second, and life time of 42 days. ISE’s performance worked well in pH range of 5-7 and temperature of 25-50 oC. Validation test showed no significant difference (t test) with the SSA method so that the potentiometric method could be used as an alternative method for determining urinary oxalate.


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Author Biography

  • Zuri Rismiarti, Brawijaya University
    Magister Student of Brawijaya University


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How to Cite

Construction and Characterization of Coated Wire Oxalate Ion Selective Electrode Based on Chitosan. (2013). The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research, 3(1), 19-26.